
Express + Marko

See the marko-express sample project for a working example.


npm install express --save
npm install marko --save

Skip the view engine

The built in view engine for express may be asynchronous, but it doesn't support streaming (check out Rediscovering Progressive HTML Rendering to see why this is so important). So instead we'll bypass the view engine.


Marko provides a submodule (marko/express) to add a res.marko method to the express response object. This function works much like res.render, but doesn't impose the restrictions of the express view engine and allows you to take full advantage of Marko's streaming and modular approach to templates.

By using res.marko you'll automatically have access to req, res, app, app.locals, and res.locals from within your Marko template and custom tags. These values are added to

require("marko/node-require"); // Allow Node.js to require and load `.marko` files
var express = require("express");
var markoExpress = require("marko/express");
var template = require("./template");
var app = express();
app.use(markoExpress()); //enable res.marko(template, data)
app.get("/", function(req, res) {
  res.marko(template, {
    name: "Frank",
    count: 30,
    colors: ["red", "green", "blue"]


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